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IA/etc/dhcp6/dhcp6c_pdfailed to get a client prefix546getaddrinfo: %ssocketsetsockopt(SO_REUSEPORT): %ssetsockopt(IPV6_RECVPKTINFO): %ssetsockopt(sock, IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP): %ssetsockopt(IPV6_V6ONLY): %sbind: %sopen a routing socket: %sff02::1:2547skip opening control portfailed to initialize control channelfailed to set signal: %sclient6_startremoved existing timer on %sfailed to create an eventfailed to allocate authentication parametersfailed to add a timer for %sclient6_startallfailed to reset %scheck_exitexitingprocess_signalsrestartingclient6_mainloopselect: %sclient6_do_ctlcommandassumption failure: command length mismatchfailed to get current time: %stimestamp is out of rangeno secret key for control channelauthentication failureunsupported version: %dinvalid command length for reload: %dunknown start target: %ulunknown control command: %d (len=%d)client6_reloadfailed to reload configuration fileclient reloadedclient6_ifctlfailed to find interface configuration for %sstartstop%s interface %sfailed to restart %sunknown command: %dclient6_expire_refreshtimeinformation refresh time on %s expiredclient6_timono responses were receivedcan't send solicitall information to be updated was canceledcan't find a servercan't copy server IDfailed to construct request dataconstruct_confdatafailed to create a new event dataNEW IAID (%x) is generatedIAID (%x) is generatedinternal errorconstruct_reqdatadestruct_iadataassumption failure %dselect_serverpicked a server (ID: %s)client6_send_releasea new XID (%x) is generatedfailed to copy server IDfailed to copy client IDfailed to construct optionstransmit failed: %ssend %s to %sclient6_sendunexpected statefailed to copy requested optionsfailed to add an IAPDunexpected event data (%d)failed to set authentication optionfailed to calculate MACNetwork is unreachableclient6_recvrecvmsg: %sfailed to get packet infounexpected interface (%d)short packet (%d bytes)receive %s from %s on %sfailed to parse optionsreceived an unexpected message (%s) from %ssave_sduidw+failed to save server DUIDsaved generated server DUID to %sclient6_recvadvertXID mismatchno server ID optionserver ID: %s, pref=%dno client ID optionclient DUID mismatchfailed to process authenticationNoPrefixAvailNoAddrsAvailadvertise contains %s statusunexpected advertiseduplicated server (ID: %s)memory allocation failed for servermemory allocation failed for authentication parametersfailed to copy optionsreset timer for %s to %d.%06dclient6_recvreplyunexpected replyno rapid commitstatus code: %snameserver[%d] %sDomain search list[%d] %sNTP server[%d] %sSIP server address[%d] %sSIP domain name[%d] %sfailed to add timer for refresh timerefresh time is too large: %luunexpected information refresh time option (ignored)mv /etc/dhcp6/dhcp6c_pf /etc/dhcp6/dhcp6c_pf.oldexecutes %s, state=%dgot an expected reply, sleeping.process_authserver did not include authentication informationunknown authentication algorithm (%d)unknown RDM (%d)previous RD value is unknown (accept it)possible replay attack detectedauthentication key mismatchfailed to find key provided by the server (ID: %x)found key for authentication: %skey %s has expiredmessage authentication validatedinvalid message authenticationserver sent unsupported authentication protocol (%d)message not authenticated while authentication requiredset_authdelayed authentication cannot be used for Information-request yetno authentication key for %skey %s is invalidfailed to get a replay detection valuefailed to allocate memory for authentication realmunsupported authentication protocol %dinfo_printf%sdhcp6_add_listvalfailed to allocate memory for list entryunexpected list value type (%d)dhcp6_get_addrmalformed DHCP option: type %d, len %dduplicated %s address (%s)failed to copy %s addressdhcp6_set_addrmemory allocation failed for %s optionsdhcp6_get_domainfailed to decode a %s domain namefailed to copy a %s domain namedhcp6_set_domainmemory allocation failed for %s domain optionsfailed to encode a %s domain namebuffer length for %s domain name is too shortdhcp6_create_eventfailed to allocate memory for an eventdhcp6_remove_eventremoving an event on %s, state=%sremoving server (ID: %s)dhcp6_auth_replaycheckunsupported replay detection method (%d)previous: %s, current: %sdetected a singular pointffff ffff ffff ffffgetifaddrgetifaddrs failed: %sgetifidfromaddrif_nametoindex failed for %sget_duidllfailed to get a hardware addressfailed to allocate memorygenerated a new DUID-LL: %s %dget_duidrfailed to open DUID file: %sDUID file corruptedextracted an existing DUID from %s: %sgenerated a new DUID-LLT: %s %dw+failed to open DUID file for savefailed to save DUIDsaved generated DUID to %s/etc/dhcp6/dhcp6c_dbDUID: %s failed to open /etc/dhcp6/dhcp6c_duid for savegethwidfound an interface %s for DUIDsave_iafailed to open IA file: %sfailed to save IA contentsaved IA to %ssave_prefixfailed to open prefix file: %sfailed to save prefix contentsaved prefix to %sdhcp6_get_optionsget DHCP option %s, len %dmalformed DHCP options DUID: %sfailed to copy DUID status code: %sfailed to copy status code requested option: %sduplicated option type (%s)failed to copy requested option preference: %dduplicated preference option elapsed time: %luduplicated elapsed time optionfound more than one authentication option %sfailed allocate memory for auth realm auth key ID: %x, offset=%d, realmlen=%dunsupported authentication protocol: %d IA_PD: ID=%lu, T1=%lu, T2=%luduplicated IA_PD %lu/etc/dhcp6/dhcp6c_ia information refresh time: %lurefresh time is too small (%d), adjustedduplicated refresh time option IA_NA: ID=%lu, T1=%lu, T2=%luduplicated IA_NA %luunknown or unexpected DHCP6 option %s, len %d.%ccopyin_optionmalformed DHCP option%s is an invalid position for %sinvalid prefix length (%d) IA_PD prefix: %s/%d pltime=%lu vltime=%luduplicated IA_PD prefix %s/%d pltime=%lu vltime=%lu/etc/dhcp6/dhcp6c_pd IA_NA address: %s pltime=%lu vltime=%luduplicated IA_NA address%s pltime=%lu vltime=%luduplicated status code (%d) malformed DHCP option: type %d%04x %04x %04x %04xdelayedreconfigunknown(%d)HMAC-MD5mono counterproto: %s, alg: %s, RDM: %s, RD: %sunknown(255)copy_optionoption buffer short for %sset %s (len %d)dhcp6_set_optionsfailed to count option lengthshort buffermemory allocation failed for IA_NA optionsfailed to construct an IA_NA optionmemory allocation failed for optionsrefresh time option is not requested for %smemory allocation failed for IA_PD optionsfailed to construct an IA_PD optionunexpected authentication protocolfailed to allocate memory for authentication informationkey ID %x, offset %dcopyout_optionunknown option: code %dset %sdhcp6_set_timeoparamunexpected event state %d on %sdhcp6_reset_timerreset a timer on %s, state=%s, timeo=%d, retrans=%dduidcpymemory allocation failedget_rdvalueunsupported RDM (%d)unsupported RD size (%d)gettimeofday failed: %sINVALID optionclient IDserver IDidentity associationIA for temporaryIA addressoption requestpreferenceelapsed timerelay messageauthenticationserver unicaststatus coderapid commituser classvendor classvendor specific infointerface IDreconfigure messageSIP domain nameSIP server addressDNSdomain search listNTP serverIA_PDIA_PD prefixinformation refresh timeNIS serversNIS+ serversNIS domain nameNIS+ domain nameBCMCS domain nameBCMCS server addressGeoconf Civicremote IDsubscriber IDclient FQDNopt_%dINVALID msgsolicitadvertiserequestconfirmrenewrebindreplyreleasedeclinereconfigureinformation requestrelay-forwardrelay-replymsg%dINVALID codesuccessunspec failureno addressesno bindingnot on-linkuse multicastno prefixescode%d:%s%02x%s...INITSOLICITINFOREQREQUESTRENEWREBINDRELEASEIDLE???JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecwwwwwwwwwwww: %3s/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d: %s%s%s %s%s%sifaddrconfaddremovecan't open a temporary socket: %sfailed to get the index of %s: %sfailed to %s an address on %s: %s%s an address %s/%d on %ssafefilesetuid'ed execution not allowedlstat failed: %s%s has invalid owner uid%s is an invalid file type 0x%oconfigure_interfaceinvalid interface(%s): %smemory allocation for %s failedfailed to copy ifname%s:%d client-only configuration%s:%d server-only configuration%s:%d bad value: %d%s:%d duplicated configurationfailed to copy script pathscript must be an absolute path%s:%d pool '%s' not found%s:%d specified a larger preferred lifetime than valid lifetimememory allocation failedpool '%s' is specified to the interface '%s'%s:%d invalid interface configurationconfigure_iainternal errormemory allocation for IA %s failedIAPDfailed to configure prefix%s:%d invalid configurationIANAfailed to configure address%s:%d invalid iatype %dadd_pd_pif%s:%d duplicated prefix interface: %s%s:%d invalid interface (%s): %sfailed to get default IF ID for %s%s:%d invalid SLA length: %d%s:%d internal error: invalid configurationconfigure_hostmemory allocation failed for host %sfailed to copy host name: %s%s:%d duplicated DUID for %s%s:%d failed to configure DUID for %sconfigure DUID for %s: %sfailed to configure prefix for %sfailed to configure address for %s%s:%d: duplicate key %s for %s (ignored)failed to find key information for %sconfigure key for delayed auth with %s (keyid=%08x)pool '%s' is specified to the host '%s'%s:%d invalid host configuration for %sconfigure_keysmemory allocation failed for key %sfailed to copy key name: %s%s:%d duplicate realm for key %s (ignored)failed to allocate memory for realm%s:%d key ID overflow%s:%d duplicate secret for key %s (ignored)failed to make a copy of secret%s:%d failed to parse base64 keyfailed to allocate memory for secret%s:%d duplicate expire for key %s (ignored)%s:%d invalid key parameter for %srealm not specified for key %skey ID not specified for key %ssecret not specified for key %sforevercannot get current time: %s%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%m-%d %H:%M%H:%Minvalid expiration time: %spast expiration time specified: %sconfigure_authinfomemory allocation failed for auth info %sfailed to copy auth info name: %s%s:%d duplicate protocol for auth info %s (ignored)%s:%d duplicate algorithm for auth info %s (ignored)%s:%d duplicate RDM for auth info %s (ignored)%s:%d auth info specific keys are not supported%s:%d invalid auth info parameter for %sauth protocol is not specified for %sclient-only auth protocol is specifiedserver-only auth protocol is specifiedSIPDNSNTPNISNISPBCMCSconfigure_addr%s:%d duplicated %s server: %sfailed to add a %s serverconfigure_domainfailed to copy a %s domain name%s:%d duplicated %s name: %sfailed to add a %s nameconfigure_duidtoo long DUID (%d)%02xassumption failure (bad string)get_default_ifidID length too shortgetifaddrs failed: %slink layer address is too short (%s)cannot find interface information for %sconfigure_commitsome IA configuration defined but not usedclear_iaconfassumption failureadd_optionsinvalid operation (%d) for option type (%d)%s:%d auth info (%s) is not defined%s:%d authinfo is doubly specified on %s%s:%d IA_PD (%lu) is not defined%s:%d IA_NA (%lu) is not definedduplicated requested option: %sfailed to configure an option%s:%d unsupported option type: %dadd_prefixinvalid prefix: %dprefix %s/%d for %s has a trailing garbage. It should be %s/%dinvalid prefix address: %sduplicated prefix: %s/%d for %sduplicated address: %s for %s%s/%d has larger preferred lifetime than valid lifetime%s has larger preferred lifetime than valid lifetimeconfigure_poolcalled%s:%d pool statement is server-only%s:%d invalid pool configuration%s:%d pool '%s' has no range declarationfaled to craete pool '%s'clear_poolconfcreate_dynamic_hostconfreached to the max count (count=%lu)???created host_conf (name=%s)create_poolname=%s, range=%s->%sinvalid address range %s->%sfind_poolname=%sfound (name=%s)not found (name=%s)get_free_address_from_poolcalled (pool=%s)found %snext address %sno available addressis_available_in_poolpool=%s, addr=%sunavailable address (pool=%s, addr=%s)update_prefixinvalid prefix %s/%d: pltime (%lu) is larger than vltime (%lu)memory allocation failedcreateupdate%s a prefix %s/%d pltime=%lu, vltime=%luskip %s as a prefix interfacefailed to add prefix timerremove_siteprefixremove a site prefix %s/%drenew_data_freeassumption failuresiteprefix_timoprefix timeout for %s/%dclient6_pf2file/etc/dhcp6/dhcp6c_pfa+failed to open /etc/dhcp6/dhcp6c_conf for save%s-prefix %s/%d %s-addr %s/%d add_ifprefixfailed to allocate memory for ifprefixassumption failure on the length of interface IDinvalid prefix length %d + %d + %dupdate_iainvalid IA: T1(%lu) > T2(%lu)failed to get an IA type: %s, ID: %ufailed to update authentication param for IA type: %s, ID: %ufailed to update a prefix %s/%dfailed to update an address %sstatus code for %s-%lu: %sreceive NoBinding against renew/rebind for %s-%luimpossible caseIA %s-%lu is invalidatedT1(%lu) and/or T2(%lu) is locally determinedT1 (%lu) or T2 (%lu) is too small adjusted to %lu and %lufailed to add IA timerupdate_authparamfailed to copy authparamreestablish_iare-establishing IA: %s-%luinternal error (invalid IA status)failed to create a new eventfailed to create a new event timerfailed to create a new event datafailed to copy server IDfailed to make reestablish datacallbackrelease_iarelease an IA: %s-%lufailed to make release dataremove_iaremove an IA: %s-%luia_timoIA timeout for %s-%lu, state=%sinvalid IA state (%d)failed to make renew datafailed to make rebind dataget_iamemory allocation failedmakeupdate%s an IA: %s-%luPDNA???ACTIVERENEWREBINDdhcp6_add_timercan't allocate memorytimeout function unspecifieddhcp6_timer_resta timer must be expired, but not yetclient6_scriptreason=BOUND6reason=RENEW6reason=REBIND6reason=RELEASE6Impossible condition at %s:%ddhcp6c_script.cmv /etc/dhcp6/dhcp6c_conf /etc/dhcp6/dhcp6c_conf.oldfailed to allocate environment bufferfailed to allocate reason stringsfailed to allocate strings for DNS servers%s= failed to allocate strings for NTP serversfailed to allocate strings for DNS namefailed to allocate strings for SIP serversfailed to allocate strings for SIP domain namefailed to allocate strings for NIS serversfailed to allocate strings for NIS domain namefailed to allocate strings for NIS+ serversfailed to allocate strings for NIS+ domain namefailed to allocate strings for BCMC serversfailed to allocate strings for BCMC domain namefailed to fork: %swait: %sscript "%s" terminated===> env start%s===> env endscript "%s" cannot be executed safely/dev/nullchild: exec failed: %sclient6_start_server/tmp/dhcp6c_radvd/tmp/dhcp6c_6stype=%d, path=%srfailed to open %sfail to read %secho start radvdradvd -C /etc/dhcp6/dhcp6c_radvd.conf -m stderr_syslog -p /var/run/radvd.pidecho start dhcp6sclient6_conf2file/etc/dhcp6/dhcp6c_confa+failed to open /etc/dhcp6/dhcp6c_conf for save%s %s %d client6_iapd2str%s%s/%d,%s#%dimpossible suboptfailed to allocate iapd_%dclient6_iana2str%s%sfailed to allocate iana_%difinitduplicated interface: %smalloc failedfailed to copy ifnamegetifaddrs failed: %sifresetinvalid interface(%s): %sABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=dhcp6_ctl_initgetaddrinfo: %ssocket(control sock): %ssetsockopt(control sock, SO_REUSEADDR: %sbind(control sock): %slisten(control sock): %sinvalid maximum number of commands (%d)dhcp6_ctl_authinitrfailed to open %s: %sfailed to read key file: %sfailed to decode base64 stringfailed to allocate control keyfailed to allocate secret keydhcp6_ctl_acceptcommandfailed to accept control connection: %saccept control connection from %scommand queue is not initializedfailed to allocate new command contextcommand queue is full. drop the oldest one (fd=%d)dhcp6_ctl_closecommandassumption error: command queue is empty?dhcp6_ctl_readcommandread failed: %scontrol channel was reset by peertoo large command (%d bytes)update_addressinvalid address %s: pltime (%lu) is larger than vltime (%lu)memory allocation failedcreateupdate%s an address %s pltime=%lu, vltime=%lufailed to add stateful addr timerremove_addrremove an address %sna_renew_data_freeassumption failureaddr_timoaddress timeout for %slease_initcalledlease_addressaddr=%salready leased: %srelease_addressnot found: %sdecline_addressgetifaddrsifa_data_ptr <= (char *) &ifas[newlink + newaddr] + ifa_data_size./linux/getifaddrs.c  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGGHHHHHHHHIJKKKKKKKKKKKKLLLLMNOPQQRSSTTTTTTTTTTTTUUVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWXXYYZZ[[\\]]^__``aabccddddeefghhiiii """"""%NW%Zd% NW$#&OPX[e5;<=>9:?@ABCD3)  `abc!MLF,786('*.+/01J2-SQY\]^_fghiG4EKHTIRUV .F>b|@ghBlRsSyhh@whhhhhhhhhhhhh h"h$()*%h+h,hh.78:;<hhhhhhJhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!c?tA>=BDCHhyMHhhNh\us`dhbiex{h}~zhhhhhhhhhhhhhrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhghajhihhhhhhhhhhhhdd)C޴DE+$jjTtuv&wUVWXYH%ZEx0'24(6J8E[\]* /1e ff,kno^_LpqEN`-EaUVWXYP3ZE{r5=79:; A -D <)*12375 >4A@&B? >"0A#$%?6B<@@;CC@?@@'( 8 :>./A>@?AC >BAA@B>BB?????>#$% >>>>><A>B>8A:A#$%A@>>C !">8 : ,+A>@B<CB !"-<E&>B>><>X>>>>>>9>>=?j>>>>f>>>>>>>>><<<AA>>>?G &06;HIJKLMNOP  !"-47B? ? ??QBQS?\?aS>AR>>>>>>>>>>>chS #$%8:@CT\@C]^a @b@'(./@d1235@i@AX  !"&UVUV<>BAAWAZ>AY@>Y@X>>)*e+f,gA>B><<->E>>>>>>9>[>=>>?>>>>>>>>>>>[UA[<_[@`[<<>>>Deletingcan't allocate memoryrefresh time is out of rangerefresh time is too small (must not be smaller than %d)multiple refresh times (ignored)0invalid IPv6 address: %ssyntax errorError: discardingError: poppingmemory exhaustedCleanup: discarding lookaheadCleanup: poppingduplicated name: %s (ignored)RQGHQILPPKJMNOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPJPP*PP+111>>>QQGFIPJPJPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP*P*)(1111>>>>BEPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP5PPPPPPPPP4PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP&PPPPPPPPPPPP@PPPPPPPPPPP?PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPCPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPP AP-PP; PPP6PP:PDPPP=PPPPPPPPPPPPP.9PPPPPP8'/PPPPPPPPPP2P7PPP3PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPP PPPPPPPP<PPPPPP"PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP0PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP%PPPP,PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPP#PP$!  !"#$%&'()*+,-..Jq :h   ),B5FGJLuNyZ})G{vaX ~6e\Z]\IRDiQS5=8M:/3+2#0*&+*! ('%4 & % ~{stklebf`cok``fg\\cZZaXb^RZNELA=BG:I=D;C4C?6,(:58+:54/&50"%( sfW                           <                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                !"##$SS>??TUUWattb[X_>`??c\iY@jA]%&B!"##@$AfkxxlmnoBgpuqvvyzzR||}}w%&'()*+,-.s/0123457"88~$RSSSSTUUtt%&7"88$ttuvvxxxxyzzTUU}}}}~%&:";;$%&:";;$%&<<==========D"EE$%&D"EE$%&G"HH$~}|{zyxwv%&uG"HHt$srqponmlkjihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVU%&TK"LLS$RQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>=<;:987654%&3K"LL2$10/.-,+*)('&%$#"! %&T{{||||  ||||||               666999CCCFFFJJJOOOQQPNrhed^ZVPNMMII!! ###(-77-*(,,-*2( 2 * 03::334X40X48488;;;===>>DDccGGco???EoEEH HHKKLLLSSTTUjUUkkttjmmuumvvvxxyyzmzz{{{{}}~~     ~}{zyxwvutsrqponlkjihfedb`_^]\[ZYXWSRQPONKIHGFEDCBA@?><;:86543210.-+('&%$#"      <<<<<<<<<<<<<           |qpnlihgfedba`_^]\[ZYWVONMIA@51/.+)'begin of closure****commentend of sentenceend of closurefatal flex scanner internal error--no action foundfatal flex scanner internal error--end of buffer missedfatal error - scanner input buffer overflowinput in flex scanner failedout of dynamic memory in yy_create_buffer()out of dynamic memory in yy_scan_buffer()out of dynamic memory in yy_scan_bytes()bad buffer in yy_scan_bytes()%s cfdebug_print<%d>%s [%s] (%d)<%d>[%s] (%d)yyerror0%s %d: cfswitch_buffercfparse: includes nested too deeplyrcfparse: fopen(%s): %scfparsefatal parse failure: exiting (%d errors)fatal parse failure: exiting/dev/urandomp RTT  P܏8oooڎP P0R4R